Thursday, September 29, 2011

The anticipation must be killing you! An update.

The date with the 24 year-old wasn’t so bad! He turned out to be smarter and more mature than many of the 30-somethings I’ve gone out with! The biggest 24-years-wise attribute he had was his assumption that we’d just jump right into bed. Oh, boys… Don’t worry; I set the kid straight with all the grace of a lady.

Major red flag (and isn’t there always something?): the young man doesn’t own a TV!!! I’ve been out with a different guy before who also didn’t own a TV but, instead, had a telescope. In an apartment building, on a crowded street, in downtown DC. That guy seemed a touch creepy. At least the 24 year-old wasn’t that unnerving!

Considering I count TiVo as my most prized possession, just ahead of the jewelry my dad has given me for milestone birthdays and my popcorn maker, I can’t imagine what he does at night in his tiny, tiny, studio apartment without TV. I can tell you he’s not exercising in there. He’d put a hand through the window with one jumping jack! What does he do during drinking-wine-on-the-couch time without TV?!

So, obviously, I’m not sure there’s a lot of synergy there. I will, however, entertain another date, should he ask. Hell, I’m not doing a whole lot else (except catching the new seasons of so many great TV shows)!

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